Cambodian Law on Marriage and family

Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Cambodian Law on Marriage and family

Good morning. Today, I discovered Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Cambodian Law on Marriage and family. Which is very helpful for me so you. Cambodian Law on Marriage and family

This article is to bring a exiguous hint about Cambodian Law on Marriage and family into the world's attention. Throughout the text, from normal information up to the analytical approached over the law herein will be covered.

What I said. It shouldn't be the final outcome that the actual about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren. You read this article for information about that wish to know is Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren.

Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren

This Law was adopted during the mandate of the State of Cambodia.

I. Marriage Procedure

Unless arisen from mutual bargain to enter into conjugal life, marriage cannot be proceeding. With reference to episode Iii, article 3; "A marriage is a solemn compact in the middle of a man and a woman in a spirit of love in accordance with the provisions of law and with the comprehension that they cannot dissolve it as they please." This article has indirect imply that marriage is a voluntary decision and not decision made on the basis on any form of external pressure (Article 4 "One party may not force other party to marriage against his/her will. No one can be forced to marry or prevented from having marriage ...)

In compliance to normal principle of social-order mechanism, the Cambodian Law on Marriage and family also requires other elements legal just to make any marriage a legal one. In article 5 of episode Ii states, "A marriage may be allowed for a man whose age is 20 years or more and a woman whose age is 18 years or more." Except, in the special case that the woman is pregnant with mutual consents from both party, a man and a woman younger than the legal ages may legally enter into a marriage.

However, marriage is prohibited under these conditions:

- a man whose sex is the same sex as the other;

- a man whose penis is impotent;

- a man who has leprous, tuberculosis, cancer or venereal diseases which are not fully cured;

- a man who is insane, and a man who has mental defect;

- a man who was bound by prior marriage which is not yet dissolved.

Moreover, marriage is prohibited when the following conditions come to existence:

A marriage "between persons who are relatives by blood or who are relatives by marriage in direct line of all levels, whether or not legitimate or adoptive" (Article 7); and
"Between the collateral, whether legitimate, illegitimate or adoptive, or whether from the same mother, the same father or the same parents, or whether relatives by blood or relatives by marriage up to the third level inclusively..." (Article 8).

Ii. Grounds of Divorce:

In reflection to article 3, "A marriage is a solemn compact in the middle of a man and a woman in a spirit of love in accordance with the provisions of law and with the comprehension that they cannot dissolve it as they please." The term: they cannot dissolve it as they please shows an indirect implication that disjunction can only be made under concrete and legal conditions stipulated within the law.

Like the legal policy for marriage, disjunction may also be made on the ground of mutual divorcing consent.

Pursuant to article 38: "divorce is the legal termination of a marriage in the middle of a husband and wife who have been categorically married and they are both still alive." disjunction cannot be entered when any party is deceased, that's why we have the term divorced and widowed.

Article 39 clearly tabulates the grounds for disjunction as of the following:

1. Desertion without a good fancy and without maintenance of and taking care of the child;

2. Cruelty and beatings, persecutions and seeing down on the other spouse or his or her ancestry;

3. Immoral behavior, bad conduct;

4. Impotence of penis; and

5. Physical disjunction for more than one year.

Iii. Procedures for Divorce:

Procedures for disjunction may be, to some extent, overwhelmingly sophisticated, since it has been of the plan that disjunction does not only bring negative aspects to the parties, but also to the society. The following paragraphs will deal with needful fancy for divorce, jurisdictional court, application procedures and other conditions applied in the divorcing procedures.

Complaint for disjunction can be made by one party (husband or wife) or by both parties who mutually agreed to end their bonds of conjugal life (Article 40).

Any party or both party who whish to break legal bonds of conjugal life shall make the disjunction complaint a formal one. Complaint to the court, as addressed above, is sophisticated and formal, so writing rather than oral is strongly suggested; moreover, the plaintiff is also suggested to lodge the complaint by her or himself. With reference to article 42; "The complaint for disjunction shall be in writing and shall indicate the reasons for divorce." It is also suggested that reasons for disjunction shall be contented in the disjunction complaint; this is to make a plane hearing agenda and procedures.

However, to whom should the disjunction complaint be forwarded to? article 41 stipulates that "the adjudicating jurisdiction for disjunction lies with the People's Provincial or Municipal Court where a defendant resides."

Procedures before the hearing
As addressed above, disjunction does not only affect the divorcing parties, but the child(ren) as well as the State. So, indeed, the Law enacts dissimilar strategies for the court to reconcile the divorcing parties.

According to the Cambodian Law on Marriage and Family, the court is authorized to take "reconciliation" for three times, before the final judgment specifying the disjunction judgment in the middle of the parties is issued. Moreover, during each reconciliation session, article must be radically written down in what we call "reconciliation record." And apparently, reconciliation strategies deployed to all the three reconciliation sessions are not the same. article 51 states that "the duration in the middle of each reconciliation shall be at least one month and at most two months." And article 53; "if the reconciliation did not reach an agreement, the People's Provincial or Municipal court must issue summons fascinating a husband and wife to come to the court for trial."

Due to the fact that marriage cannot be dissolved as the party please, concrete and sufficient evidence must be presented during the hearing to convince the judge to issue the disjunction judgment and if necessary, the court may study the case.

However, disjunction is easy if it is arisen from voluntary and mutual consent of both parties [absence of mistakes or external duress].

Divorce judgment is not one-stop (absolute), the party who does not agree to get divorced his/her spouse is authorized an file an objection or petition within the legal time frame [usually two moths from the date the judgment is publicly announced].

Iv. Effectiveness of Divorce
The Law on Marriage and family does not provide any definition for the term "divorce", but through my understanding, disjunction is a legal rescission of a legal marriage, after the disjunction judgment is issued.

Article 69 states that, "a disjunction ends a marriage from the day when the final judgment is announced. So as written above, only after the issuance of court's judgment, does the disjunction is considered legal and so enforceable.

However, the case does not only end when the judgment is issued; other cases are also accompanied, such as child or children and properties (movable or real estate). Divorcing parties may share the child or children as well as the asset in accordance with their mutual compact or in case of there is no contract, they can just take the asset that they own before they share conjugal life. article 70 states that "if there is no agreement, each spouse take only his or her asset which he or she has received by inheritance, gift or devise during the existence of the marriage. The asset owned before union existence is called "separate property" and asset earned after the marriage is called "joint property", or "community property." And this society asset may be shared by mutual consent of the parties or court's judgment.

Custody of the child or children, would facilitate one party to have more asset than other party who does not attain the legal custody of the child or children. The party to whom the child or children custodies are not fallen upon, is obliged to provide alimony, as per his or her potential or mutual consent until the said child or children reach majority age (Article 76).

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Smoking Weed While Pregnant and Its Adverse Effects

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Smoking Weed While Pregnant and Its Adverse Effects

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Smoking Weed While Pregnant and Its Adverse Effects. Which could be very helpful in my opinion and you. Smoking Weed While Pregnant and Its Adverse Effects

Cannabis is generally known as weed, pot, or marijuana. It is the most used drug in the United States today. Smoking weed is the most common method of spirited it.

What I said. It shouldn't be in conclusion that the real about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby. You check out this article for facts about an individual need to know is Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby.

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby

Some habitancy love to experiment with different drugs because of the "high" they get. Weed is addicting because of the psychoactive substance delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The "high" caused by smoking on weed could be any of the following: altered state of consciousness, euphoria, feelings of well-being, relaxation, lethargy, joviality, increased libido, hallucination, and many others.

What is worse is that some pregnant women continue to smoke on weed. They think that nothing bad will happen to them and to the fetus. They could never be more wrong!

Does smoking on weed even while pregnant have any adverse effect? The sass is a big Yes!

Smoking on weed while pregnant is bad because it interferes with the fetus' blood supply. Smoking weed deprives the fetus of oxygen. And more often than not, the fetus is born with low birth weight or small for gestational age. These two conditions predispose the newborn into acquiring diseases like jaundice, infections, and many others. What is worst is that smoking increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Weed usually has additives like tobacco in order for it to be smoked. This means that smoking weed while pregnant exposes your fetus to other harmful substances aside from weed. You are also exposing your baby to the life-threatening effects of tobacco.

Studies have established that smoking weed while pregnant may affect the baby's development. Infants born to mothers who smoked weed while pregnant were usually jittery and difficult to comfort. They also had any of the following diseases: concentration deficit hyperactivity syndrome, impaired motor skills, concentration problems, leukemia, short-term memory disorders, problems with judgment, and impaired social interaction.

If you of course concept that you are not harming your baby while you are getting "high," then, you are of course wrong. Smoking while pregnant is already bad. And smoking weed while pregnant is even worst. Stop smoking weed now!

I hope you will get new knowledge about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby. Where you may put to easy use in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby.

Emotional Abuse - Why Marriage Counseling Makes it Worse

Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - Emotional Abuse - Why Marriage Counseling Makes it Worse

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I discovered Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - Emotional Abuse - Why Marriage Counseling Makes it Worse. Which is very helpful to me and you. Emotional Abuse - Why Marriage Counseling Makes it Worse

If you live with a resentful, angry, or emotional abusive person, you have most likely have already tried marriage counseling or personel psychotherapy. You may have tried sending your partner to some kind of anger-management group. Let me guess your experience: Your personal psychotherapy did not help your relationship, marriage counseling made it worse, your partner's psychotherapy made it still worse, and his anger-management or abuser classes lowered the tone but not the chronic blame of his resentment, anger, or abuse.

What I said. It isn't the conclusion that the real about Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding. You read this article for info on an individual want to know is Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding.

Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding

Fortunately, you can learn something about medical from each one of these failed treatments, which we will witness next, one by one.

Why Marriage Counseling Fails

By the time most of my clients come to see me, they have already been to at least three marriage counselors, usually with disastrous results. A major conjecture for their discontentment is that marriage counseling presupposes that both parties have the skill to regulate guilt, shame, and feelings of inadequacy without blaming them on one another. If your husband could reflect on the motivations of his behavior - what within him makes him act as he does-he might then disagree with you or feel he can't reveal with you or feel incompatible with you for any estimate of reasons, but he wouldn't yell, ignore, avoid, devalue, or dismiss you in the process. If your husband were able to regulate his own emotions, your marriage counseling might have been successful.

Another charge against marriage counseling is manifest in an old joke among marriage therapists: We all have skid marks at the door where the husband is being dragged in. As you well know, men do not go voluntarily to therapy as a rule. So therapists tend to go out of their way to engage the man because he is 10 times more likely to drop out than his wife. If the therapist is sufficiently skilled, this extra exertion to keep the man engaged isn't a problem, in general relationships. But in walking-on-eggshells relationships it can be disastrous, because the therapist unwittingly joins with the more resentful, angry, or abusive partner in trying to outline out who is to blame in a given complaint. Of policy he or she won't use the word, "blame." Most marriage counselors are fascinating and well-meaning and easily want to make things better. So they will couch their interventions in terms of what has to be done to determine the dispute, rather than who is to blame. Here's an example of how they go wrong.

Therapist: Estelle, it seems that Gary gets angry when he feels judged.

Gary: That's right. I get judged about everything.

Therapist: (to Estelle) I'm not saying that you are judging him-

Gary: (interrupting) Oh yes she is. It's her hobby.

Therapist: (to Estelle) I'm saying that he feels judged.
Perhaps if your invite could be put in such a way that he wouldn't feel judged, you would get a better reaction.

Estelle: How do I do that?

Therapist: I noticed that when you ask him for something, you focus on what he's doing wrong. You also use the word "you" a lot. Suppose you framed it like this. "Gary, I would like it if we could spend five minutes when we get home just talking to each other about our day." (to Gary) Would you feel judged if she put it like that?

Gary: Not at all. But I doubt that she could get the judgment out of her tone of voice. She doesn't know how to talk any other way.

Therapist: Sure she does. (to Estelle) You can say it without judgment in your voice, can't you?

Estelle: Yes, of policy I can. I don't mean to be judgmental all the time.

Therapist: Why don't we rehearse it a few times?

So now the question isn't Gary's sense of inadequacy or his addiction to blame or his abusiveness, it's Estelle's judgmental tone of voice. With this crucial shift in perspective introduced by the therapist, Estelle rehearsed her new approach. Gary responded easily to her efforts, while the therapist was there to consist of his emotional reactivity. Of policy at home, it was quite another matter, despite their hours of rehearsal in the therapist's office.

In a less reactive relationship, the therapist's advice wouldn't be so bad. It's questionable either it would help, but it wouldn't do any harm. If Gary could regulate his emotions, he might have appreciated Estelle's efforts to consider him in the way she phrased her requests; maybe he would have become more empathic. But in the day-to-day reality of this walking-on-eggshells relationship, Gary felt guilty when Estelle made greater efforts to appease him. Predictably, he blamed it all on her -- she wasn't doing it right, her "I-statements" had an basal accusatory tone, and she was trying to make him look bad.

By the way, investigate shows that therapists behave in their own relationships pretty much the same way that you do. In disagreements with their spouses, they fail just as much as you in trying to use the "communication-validation" techniques they make you do in their offices. They find it as tough as you and your husband do to put on the brakes when their own emotions and instinct to blame are going full throttle. After all, how is Mr. Hyde supposed to remember what Dr. Jeckyl learned in marriage counseling?

One popular marriage therapist and author has written that women in abusive marriages have to learn to set boundaries. "She needs to learn skills to make her message - 'I will not tolerate this behavior any longer' - heard. [The] hurt someone [must] learn how to set boundaries that easily mean something." This is the therapeutic equivalent of a judge dismissing your law suit against vandals because you failed to put up a "Do not vandalize" sign. You have to wonder if this therapist puts post-its on valued objects in her office that clearly state, "Do not steal!"

Putting aside the harmful, inaccurate implication that women are abused because they don't have the "skill to set boundaries," this kind of intervention completely misses the point. Your husband's resentment, anger, or abuse comes from his substitution of power for value. It has nothing to do with the way you set boundaries or with what you argue about. It has to do with his violation of his deepest values. As we'll see in the lesson on removing the thorns from your heart, you will be protected, not by setting sure boundaries that he won't respect, but by reintegrating your deepest values into your everyday sense of self. When you no longer internalize the distorted image of yourself that your husband reflects back to you, your husband will clearly understand that he has to convert the way he treats you if he wants to save the marriage.

One of the reasons marriage therapy fails to help walking-on-eggshells relationships is that it relies on egalitarian principles. Noble an idea as it is, this advent can only work in a association in which the merge sees each other as equals. Remember, your husband feels that you control his painful emotions and, therefore, feels entitled to use resentment, anger, or abuse as a defense against you. He will resist any exertion to take away what he perceives to be his only defense with every tool of manipulation and avoidance he can muster. In other words, he is unlikely to give up his "edge" of moral superiority - he's right, you're wrong - for the give-and-take process required of couples' therapy. And should the therapist even remotely appear to "side" with you on any issue, the whole process will be dismissed as "sexist psychobabble."

Many men blame their wives on the way home from the therapist's office for bringing up threatening or embarrassing things in the session. Two couples I know were seriously injured in car crashes that resulted from arguments on the way home from appointments with therapists they worked with before I met them. I'm willing to bet that if you've tried marriage counseling, you've had a few chilly, argumentative, or abusive rides home from the sessions.

The trap that many marriage counselors fall into (taking you with them) is that resentment - the foundation of anger and abuse - can seem like a association issue. "I resent that you left your towel on the bathroom floor, because it makes me feel disregarded, like my father used to make me feel." But as we have seen, the customary purpose of resentment is to protect the vulnerability you feel (or he feels) from your low levels of core value. Please be sure you get this point: Low core value is not a association issue. You each have to regulate your own core value before you can begin to negotiate about behavior. In other words, if self-value depends on the negotiation, you can't make true behavior requests - if your "request" isn't met, you will retaliate with some sort of emotional punishment: "If you don't do this, I'll make you feel guilty (or worse)." Merely teaching the merge to phrase things differently reinforces the false and damaging thought that your partner is responsible for your core value and vice versa.

Many women live with resentful, angry, or abusive men who seem to the rest of the world to be "charmers." I've had cabinet secretaries, billionaires, movie stars, and Tv celebrities for clients, all of whom could charm the fur off a cat, in public. Before they were referred to me, each one of these guys had been championed by marriage counselors who accomplished that their wives were unreasonable, hysterical, or even abusive. They have no problem at all playing the sensitive, caring husband in therapy. But in the privacy of their homes they sulk, belittle, demean, and even batter with the worst of them.

These men have gotten so good at charming the public, together with their marriage counselors, because they've had lots of practice. Since they were young children, they've used charm and public skills to avoid and cover up a monumental range of core hurts. Though it can be an sufficient strategy in public contexts, this masquerade falls flat on its face in an intimate one. If your husband is a charmer in public, his resentment, anger, or abuse at home is designed to keep you from getting close sufficient to see how inadequate and unlovable he easily feels. In fooling the marriage consultant and the public at large, he makes a fool of you but an even bigger one of himself.

Why Your Psychotherapy Did Not Help Your association and His Made It Worse
Research and clinical sense show that women in therapy tend to maintain leading details about their walking-on-eggshells relationships. Most say that they're embarrassed to be completely honest with their therapists. One woman told me that she was convinced that her therapist, whom she thought was "awesome," wouldn't like her if she knew about the harsh emotional abuse at home. Though it is incredibly hard to believe, she saw that same therapist for five years without ever mentioning her husband's severe problems with anger and abuse. By the time I was called in, the woman was suffering from acute depression and anxiety that were destroying her physical health. When I spoke to the therapist, however, she had no clue about the abuse.

When therapists are aware that their clients are walking on eggshells at home, they feel approximately bound to persuade the woman to leave the relationship. The most frequent complaint I hear from women who have undergone this kind of advocacy therapy is that they were reluctant to reveal the depth of their guilt, shame, and fear of abandonment to their disapproving therapists. Some have reported that their counselors would say things like, "After all he did to you, and you feel guilty?" I have heard hundreds of women description this kind of pressure from their therapists and have heard hundreds of therapists at conferences express exasperation about their clients' reluctance to leave their walking-on-eggshells relationships. The trainings I do for therapists worldwide always emphasize the utter necessity of compassion for their clients' broad burden of guilt. Production hurt women feel ashamed of their natural (albeit irrational) feelings of guilt is intolerably bad practice. Compassion for her core hurts is the salutary way to help her heal her pain.

Despite these problems, your psychotherapy probably helped you a little, even though it did not help your relationship. either it helped your husband is another matter.
The goal of customary psychotherapy is to reprocess painful sense in the hope of changing the way the client sees himself and his loved ones. If your husband's therapy unearthed painful sense from his past, without first teaching him basic emotional self-regulation, he most likely dealt with that pain in the only way he knew how -- by taking it out on you. He either seemed more entitled to display resentful, angry, or abusive behavior or used the pain of his past as an excuse for it. Here are the sort of things women hear from resentful, angry, or abusive men who are in therapy:

"With all I've had to put up with, don't you hassle me, too!"

"It's so hard being me, I shouldn't have to put with your crap, too!"

"I know I was mean to you, but with the pain I've suffered, you have to cut me some slack."

In defense of your husband's therapist, this advent is designed to make him more empathic to you eventually. But it takes a long time - a great many weekly one-hour sessions - before his sense of entitlement gives way to an appreciation of your feelings. And once he reaches that point, he has to deal with the guilt of how he's treated you in his "pre-empathic" years. For at least a few more months of slow-acting therapy, he'll feel guilty every time he looks at you. Without the skills offered in the Boot Camp section of this book, he'll either lash out at you for Production him feel guilty or distance himself from the wrongly perceived source of his pain - you.
As we've already seen, marriage counselors have to make extra efforts to build a working alliance with reluctant male clients. That formidable task is all the harder in the more intimate context of personel psychotherapy with a man who dreads exposing vulnerability, as just about all resentful, angry, or abusive men do. To construct and sustain this tenuous alliance, therapists will often hire a technique called "joining." He or she may validate your husband's feelings about your behavior, both for the sake of the therapeutic alliance and out of fear that he'll drop out of therapy, as most men do before Production any real progress. Your resentful, angry, or abusive husband will likely illustrate the best "joining" efforts of his therapist as reinforcement that he has been mostly right all along and you have been mostly wrong. To make matters worse, most therapists have a bias to believe what their clients tell them, even when they know that they're getting only half the story and a distorted half at that. This is a bit hard to swallow when you consider that many resentful, angry, or abusive men make their wives sound like Norman Bates's mum -- they're just minding their own business, when she comes screaming out of nowhere wielding a bloody knife.

If you were lucky sufficient to reveal with your husband's therapist - and that's something that most resentful, angry, or abusive men will not allow - you probably heard things like this.

"He's easily trying, give him reputation for that."

"As you know, he has so many issues to work through."

"We're beginning to chip away at the denial."

The message to you is always, "Continue to walk on eggshells and hope that he comes around."

Why Anger-Management Didn't Work
Research shows that anger-management programs sometimes yield short-term gains, and that these all but disappear when follow-up is done a year or so later. That was approximately easily your sense if your husband took an anger-management class. They are especially ineffective with men whose wives have to walk on eggshells.

The worst kind of anger-management class teaches men to "get in touch with their anger" and to "get it out." The assumption here is that emotions are like 19th century steam engines that need to "let off steam" on a quarterly basis. These kinds of classes consist of things like punching bags and using foam baseball bats to club imaginary adversaries. (Guess who would be the imaginary victim of your husband's foam-softened clubbing?) Many studies have shown conclusively that this advent easily makes citizen angrier and more hostile, not to mention more entitled to act out their anger. Participants are training their brains to connect controlled aggression with anger. Could the designers of these programs easily think women would be pleased that their men learned in anger-management class to dream about punching them with a foam bat?

Of course, there is a much better alternative to both "holding it in" and "getting it out." In the Boot Camp section of this book, your husband will learn to replace resentment, anger, and abusive impulses, with compassion for you.

Hopefully, your husband did not attend one of these discredited classes on anger expression. But you might not have been so lucky when it came to the second worse form of anger-management: "desensitization." In that kind of class your husband would mention your behaviors that "push his buttons," things like you "nagging" him. The instructor would then work to make those behaviors seem less "provocative" to him. The techniques consist of things like ignoring it, avoiding it, or pretending it's funny. Didn't you always dream that one day your husband would learn to be less angry by ignoring you and avoiding you or thinking that you're funny when you ask him about something serious?

Core hurts -- not definite behaviors -- trigger anger. If the class succeeds in Production your husband less sensitive to you "nagging" him, he will nevertheless get irritable when you tell him you love him, as that will stir his guilt and inadequacy. Most important, you don't want him to become less sensitive to core hurts. Quite the opposite, as he becomes more sensitive to them, he will be more sensitive to you, in case,granted that he learns how to regulate his feelings of inadequacy by showing compassion and love for you, which the Boot Camp section will help him to do.

Desensitizing doesn't work at all on resentment, which is the precursor to most displays of anger. Resentment is not naturally a reflexive response to a definite event, to something you say or do. Resentment arouses the whole nervous law and works like a defensive law itself. That's why you don't resent just one or two or two hundred things. When you're resentful, you are constantly scanning the environment for any possible bad news, lest it sneak up on you. Anger-management classes try to deal with this constant level of arousal with techniques to conduct it, that is, to keep your husband from getting so upset that he feels compelled to act out his anger. "Don't make it worse," is the motto of most anger-management classes. If he was aggressive they taught him to withdraw. If he shut down, they taught him to be more assertive. What they didn't teach him was how to stop blaming his core hurts on you and act agreeing to his own deeper values. If attempts to conduct anger don't motion to core values, resentful men begin to feel like they're "swallowing it," or "going along to avoid an argument." This erodes their self-esteem and justifies, in their minds, occasional blow ups: "I am sick and tired of putting up with your crap!" Then they can feel self-righteous: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

In a love relationship, managing anger is not the point. You need to promote compassion, which is the only trustworthy arresting of resentment, anger, and abuse.

I hope you have new knowledge about Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding. Where you'll be able to put to use in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding.

mum Knows Best - The Shocking True Story That Inspired the Movie

Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - mum Knows Best - The Shocking True Story That Inspired the Movie

Good evening. Today, I discovered Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - mum Knows Best - The Shocking True Story That Inspired the Movie. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. mum Knows Best - The Shocking True Story That Inspired the Movie

Hatred and Disgust

What I said. It just isn't the final outcome that the actual about Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding. You look at this article for information on anyone want to know is Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding.

Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding

Lee Goldsmith, a well respected, Boca Raton, socialite of 67 years, hated her son in law so much that she hired person to kill him. Goldsmith, anxious to find a favorable husband for her daughter, Arleen, a Delray Beach nurse, took out an in the local paper: "Nice Jewish Girl Wants to Meet Nice Jewish Boy." David Brownstein is the man who answered the ad, and the two became inseparable. However, Mrs. Goldsmith could not bear the belief of her daughter marrying Brownstein because he was not professional. An air conditioning auto repairman would not have been impressive enough for Goldsmith's socialite friends, so she concocted a plan to ruin his life. According to state testimony, Goldsmith, tried all things in the book, from falsifying letters and threatening to cut Arleen out of her will, to accusations of beatings and extortion from Brownstein. But nothing would fuel her hatred more than not being able to attend her own daughter's wedding, nor see her grandson. So she decided that it was time to have David Brownstein out of their lives for good.

The Plot

The carpeting cleaner seemed like the excellent guy to ask about where to find a ageement murderer. He was hired to clean the carpeting in the Goldsmith's home when Lee asked him about helping her find person to kill her son in law. The man said he would see what he could do to help her out, and instead he informed the police of the plot and received a 0 cash reward. The police then devised a plan to trap Goldsmith into paying an undercover cop for the job. The plan was to meet near a cafeteria where Lee Goldsmith would give explicit instructions on how the murder should be carried out. The intended victim would be shot in the head and have drugs planted on his body to make it look like a drug connected murder. She paid Thomas Brennen ,000 up front, and then once the death was confirmed she would pay the remaining ,000.

On February 8, 1989, David Brownstein kissed his wife Arleen before entering work without knowing that his life was about to turn forever. The police notified him of his mum in law's plans to kill him, and he agreed to play along. The county morgue was also in on the plot. They were told to confirm the death of David Brownstein when Goldsmith called. On February 15, 1989, Brennen told Goldsmith that her son in law was dead. She then paid the balance, thanked the officer, and chuckled as she espy how happy every person would be "except the one in the morgue." Undercover Police Officers videotaped Lee paying them to kill David while meeting in Lee's Cadillac. She told the undercover cop that she would have someone else job for him in six months. She wanted the mum of David Brownstein to have acid poured onto her face. She laughed and laughed as she described exactly how she wanted it done. Police moved in and arrested Lee Goldsmith and charged her with solicitation of first degree murder.

The Trial

During the February 1990 trial, neighbors and friends described Lee Goldsmith as a gentle soul who would not harm anyone. She was described as a civic leader who engaged in fund raising activities and teaching exercise classes to retirees. Milton Goldsmith backed up his wife's story about the beatings and letters they received. He stated that they became terrified of Brownstein. Arleen was torn as she was asked if she loved her mother. "To say I didn't love her would be a falsehood," said Arleen. Meanwhile, Lee Goldsmith looked as though she was falling apart while most of the trial. She wept after she described the beating she endured. David Browstein spent two hours on the stand denying taking any part in any beating, nor any behavior exhibited toward his mum in law. Lee Goldsmith was found guilty and sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison. "Please, God, no," said Lee, collapsing after hearing the verdict. Her husband Milton was distraught.

In June 1995, Lee Goldsmith was released on probation at the age of 73.


The case became a sensation. After her issue from prison Lee and Milton Goldsmith appeared on A Current Affair and the Oprah Winfrey show. The movie mum Knows Best aired in April 1997.

On Easter Sunday, April 13, 2009, I spoke with Lee Goldsmith. She informed me that her husband Milton had fallen, fractured his neck, and never recovered. He passed away a few months ago. She said these days she feels alone and despondent. She is 86 years old. She no longer engages in any fund raising. She spends most of her time at home. Goldsmith and her adopted daughter Arleen have never spoken to one someone else again. Lee Goldsmith and I never talked about the crime, and she refers to it only as 'the incident.' She never knew a movie had been made about her. She is not customary with many cable stations, stating "my husband took care of those things." She said she would like to watch it though. She would like for me to let her know when the movie is on again.

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Maternal Employment

Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Maternal Employment

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned all about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Maternal Employment. Which is very helpful in my experience therefore you. Maternal Employment

Maternal employment may lead to greater income, but it affects child development, which is evident in child behavior outcomes. The affects of maternal employment on childcare and childrearing are dependent on socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors. The singular characteristics of a mother's job influence her child and family. Job flexibility, demands, independence, and wages influence the mother in her discrete roles. Maternal employment changes house functioning, together with interactions with the child. Job-related stress affects mothers' perceptions and approaches to childcare.

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Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren

The timing of the mothers' employment has long-term effects on the cognitive development and study habits of the child. Maternal employment during infancy is vital to children's development trajectories. The child constructs a view of the self and the communal world as a write back to early maternal employment. This is regularly a reflection of the caress on the childcare setting and the family.

The attitude and behavior of mothers towards parenting, and their perception on child care are considerable to the early life exposure of the child. This affects the child's behavior and condition outcomes in later life. The relationship between the mother and the child is considerable to the child's behavior outcomes. Factors like communal support, maternal attachment experience, the mother's perception towards childcare, and the child and the mother's stress and depressive symptoms all influence a mother's interaction with her child. Maternal work conditions describe to maternal mood and impacts mother and child interaction.

Mothers are working in increasing numbers. An increase of women in the workforce and, by extension, mothers in the workforce, is obvious in society and within many families. A mother's increased earnings can supply her children with additional opportunities. Nevertheless, it is important to reconsider the separate ways that this dual role will influence the children's interactions with both their mother and father. Each house situation is separate and they must determine not only if maternal employment is best, and if so, under what conditions. To successfully function in the changing house structure, mothers and fathers will need to adapt. The affects of mothers who work are complicated and deserve additional exploration and personal notice within each family.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren. Where you possibly can put to use in your daily life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren.

Trainspotting pathology

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Trainspotting pathology

Good evening. Today, I learned about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Trainspotting pathology. Which is very helpful if you ask me so you. Trainspotting pathology

Trainspotting adapted from Irvine Welsh's novel and made by the Shallow Grave team of writer John Hedge, producer Andrew Macdonald, and director Danny Boyle, giving us characters and moments that are unforgettable. Ewan McGregor plays Renton, an on-and-off heroin addict who can't conclude either to clean up or regress in the company of his loser friends in working-class Edinburgh, and later in London. The film was produced in 1996.

What I said. It is not the conclusion that the actual about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby. You check out this article for information about a person wish to know is Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby.

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby

Trainspotting in reality refers to a session of dark linear mark or track that is left in the veins after shooting heroin. The first thing is that heroin users mainline along their arms and inject up and down on the main vein. "Station to station," they call it. For addicts, all things narrows down to that one goal of getting drugs. "Trainspotters" are like that, obsessively taking down the numbers of trains.

The five main actors in this film are all males and with a life threatening drug habit. Trainspotting can be classified under four distinct types of film genre including: drama, comedy, crime and drug culture. "Trainspotting" is classified as drama since it is a serious story due to the drug habit and some scenes that showed the real lives of junkies, and descriptive images of injecting heroin. On the other hand it can be classified as comedy especially when Spud goes to an interview high on speed and other funny moments that are there to lighten up the seriousness of the film. This can be classified as black humour. Really Trainspotting can also be out under the crime and drug culture genre due to the story in itself and the characters This film gives us a very vivid and real photo of a heroin addict's every day routine.'Choose Life...' the film's most paramount quote means a lot. Those portrayed in Trainspotting are the ones that need to understand selecting life; they are the ones that this phrase was penned for and who are these habitancy living a life less ordinary? They are addicts in Scotland, living lives that are synchronized colse to getting what they need. For three of them, heroin is their mode of addiction, for an additional one passivity, and for the last aggression. They are a mad quintet, pissing away lives that could maybe estimate to something.

In the starting as we are introduced to our humble narrator Renton (McGregor). We can see that he is on a road to nowhere, stealing Cds from a shop in hopes of production a minuscule cash to pay for the next hit. His home away from home is a drug dealer's apartment ( mother Superior) where he is issued a quarterly platter of needle, spoon, lighter, and heroin beside his best mates Sick Boy (Miller) and Spud (Bremner). They are as troublesome as he is, though Spud is helpless in his addiction while Sick Boy is just there to correlate metaphorical sizes.

Movies about drug addiction are Really nothing new, but this film makes all things look different, almost like it is the first film to deal with the subject. Trainspotting is brave and frequently hilarious; it's dark, smart and stubborn. It's more than one of the best 'drug movies' ever made; it's arguably the finest film to come out of the Uk

Ewan McGregor plays the main character; Mark Renton. He introduces the film Trainspotting with an extremely energetic scene, the former scene accompanied by Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life', along with Renton's sarcastic narration, which rejects our weak, mechanical existence in favour of the joys of heroin. Iggy pop is Renton's hero. He even has a poster of him in his room. When he goes clubbing, we consideration that his heroin habit has been going on for a long time as he doesn't identify any of the new songs at the club. Diane makes him consideration this, and Renton starts to realize that heroin has taken so much out of his life.

"People associate it with misery, desperation and death, which is not to be ignored. But what they forget is the satisfaction of it, otherwise we wouldn't do it" He is Really appalled by society and the materialistic satisfactions it offers. He later compares heroin: 'imagine the best orgasm you ever had and multiply it by a thousand and you're not even there' However, after a few minutes into the film he decides to quit heroin. The viewers may cease that it is time to move on in life, yet he could not live life without heroin as we see through out the film his discrete unsuccessful trials at quitting his habit

Renton has a serious drug habit, and due to his unemployment must support is by shoplifting and petty theft. When he was on methadone, he had his 'last hit' and this resulted in an overdose. This naturally shows an endeavor to avoid being compliant. In fact, it is this carefully attitude which possibly explains heroin's over Renton. He states, "We'd inject Vitamin C if they made it illegal"

Even though he manages to kicked his heroin addiction and starts a new life in London, his old circle of friends are not easy to get rid of and Renton ends up getting complex in a drug deal, and sells 4 kilos of heroin with his 'so-called' friends. Towards the end of the film, he betrays the others by escaping with the money. This shows the viewers that he decided to 'choose life', be 'just like us' which is a doubtful aim; the qualities of which the film questions the whole time

Renton is dreamy, sharp, troubled, and calm, seemingly all at the same time, and you never know where you are with him, as he never knows where he is with himself. It's an understated portrayal of an essentially rootless character - yet a magnetic one.

Johnny Lee Miller plays the part of Sick Boy who is portrayed as a handsome guy who has the habit of talking nonsense and bombarding his mates with trivia about Sean Connery. He is a womanizing James Bond wannabe, who is extremely intelligent. Sick Boy is the one who seems least affected by his heroin habit. In fact, when Renton tries to quit heroin, Sick boy does the same just to spite him In the film Trainspotting Sick boy is the one who trivializes heroin and seems to have no problems with his addiction contrary to the rest of the crew.

"The film only touches on the query of how far his persona is genuine or just communal camouflage" . Sick Boy's behaviour in the final parts of the film show how the death of his baby has affected him and made him more crime prone. He starts to deal in drugs, pimping and becomes an all round con. Renton states that when Sick Boy's child passed away, something inside Sickboy must have died and never came back .

Later in the film, Renton escapes to London to start a new life, while Sick Boy and the rest of his friends remain in the Scottish capital. When he visits Renton unexpectedly, he immediately sells Renton's television without consent and he also offers to sell Renton's passport. Sickboy is so fixated with his new criminal career that he never even bothers to think about Renton's feelings. "He becomes obsessed with developing useful contacts for that elusive 'big deal', and sticks a finger in any pie on offer" He becomes a manipulative pimp and drug-pusher at every opportunity and wouldn't hesitate about taking advantage and manipulating anything for the purpose of self-advancement. All through out this ordeal Sick boy remains as vain as always.

Tommy, played by Kevin McKidd, contrasts vividly with the other main characters. He is portrayed as athletic, finding satisfaction walking in the countryside, weight lifting and watching football rather than production use of drugs. As the film progresses, there is a drastic convert in Tommy, turning him into the worst of the bunch with a "rapid and fatal" descent .

Tommy's association with his girlfriend Lizzie does not seem to be progressing well. The strain of finding their homemade porn film missing because Renton "borrowed" is the final straw for Lizzie and breaks off the relationship. When his efforts to patch up his association fail, Tommy falls in a depression and resorts to drugs. Sadly sufficient (black comedy), it is Lizzie, the very person whom Tommy loves that causes his death. With the increased use of heroin, Tommy contacts Hiv. His initially clean and tidy apartment becomes filthy. His final tentative to collect Lizzie sees him getting her a kitten, which she refuses. Tommy is found dead due to an infection from the kitten's faeces . This has a communal connotation as Hiv and Aids due to heroin abuse was on the increase and booming in 1996.

Clarke considers this character's story helps to generate an ethical perspective in this film, giving the audience something to think about. anything can fall victim to drug abuse, even youths carefully as 'good'. Clark states that Tommy is portrayed as free from drugs on film whereas makes use of amphetamines in Irvine Welsh's novel. This could be credited to the fact that inescapable individuals would prefer watching the film rather than reading the book thus the message has to be harsher to get across. The same can be said of Tommy's behind-the-scene drug use. As the film proceeds, Tommy's health aggravates thus shocking the audience. In the end, without Lizzie, Tommy "chose not to pick life" but heroin and death .

Begbie considers himself great than any of the rest. This is seen clearly when he lectures his friends after Renton narrowly escapes imprisonment , and trys to appear mature in front of Renton's parents and when he claims that never would he "poison" himself with chemicals. Alcohol can also be carefully as a harmful chemical to the body, but Begbie doesn't see it as such. Begbie takes a commanding attitude when with his friends, for example in the final pub fight scene when he orders Renton to bring him a cigarette or during the hallucination scenes as well as during his stay with Renton in England.

Spud, the "amiable, childlike loser" as described by Clarke, is played by Ewen Bremner . Clarke considers Spud's life as brimming with wrong choices, along with his option of drugs which is carefully unsuitable to his weak character . during his six-week association with Gail, they never had sex. On the night she wanted to have sex with him, Spud was too drunk to do anything. On awaking in Gail's bed the following morning, he finds the sheets soiled. Spud's bowel contents end up smeared on Gail and her parents whilst eating morning meal .

Clarke compares other scenes from the film. Spud gets incarcerated for shoplifting while Renton emerges almost scot-free. Similarly, Diane sees Spud lying intoxicated under the pavement during the letter scene whilst the others appear lucid . Also, despite discrete threats, Spud is the only member of the group to be injured by Begbie. Nonetheless, it is inescapable for everyone to love Spud. The audience sympathise with him. Renton wishes he ended in prison instead of his friend. In the end, he leaves money only for Spud because he pities him.

Kelly Macdonald starring as Diane is young but wise beyond her actual years. This is shown especially when she deals with men. At first, Renton sees her at a nightclub rejecting the advances of a man by drinking both drinks and leaving, and secondly when Renton approaches her exterior the club and responds to his weak chat with a coldly cruel speech that leaves him fully dejected. However, when she leaves the taxi door open for Renton to go in, it becomes clear that the negative response may have been purely a tool to generate sexual power over him.

Later in the film, after a night of passion with Renton in her bedroom, Renton and the audience are amused and disturbed to see Diane changing from her silver dress into her school uniform. The audience understands the position Renton has found himself in. He ought to escape from this situation or else face the consequences since she is underage. However, Diane has once again the power over Renton in this situation because if she tells the police, Renton will face prison. She knows the law and blackmails him to meet her again . Diane also seems to be more knowledgeable about modern culture. In fact she emphasizes that shooting heroin, listening to Iggy Pop and the fact that Renton and the main protagonists are still in Edinburgh are outdated, "Times are changing, music is changing, even drugs are changing" .

Establishing sexual power over men is also seen in other women in the film. In a nutshell, Trainspotting's male characters are ready to drop their usual collect façade and jeopardize embarrassment to fulfill their sexuality. The women in Trainspotting seem to be more than happy to coerce. For instance Spud's girlfriend refused to sleep with Spud during their six-week association but she later admitted to Lizzy that she wants to sleep with Spud yet she loves watching him suffer. Lizzy is also seen as ridiculing and sexually controlling her men. She would not deny herself from having sex with Tommy since it is her only satisfaction she gets from him. However, later in the film, when Thomas could not find the extremely intimate secret video, Lizzy was ashamed. She was so furious with him that she left him .

Alison, played by Susan Vidler, is a typical drug-craving mother. She is self-centred, fully neglecting her daughter. When the baby is found dead in her cot, Renton narrates that they did not know who father her baby. This furthers the reliance that she is quite adolescent and lacking in morals, having sexual sense with all male members of the group. On discovering her daughter's death, one of her introductory reactions is to take heroin.

Mother superior is the group's heroin provider. Although he is seen administering the drug to the friends, he himself is never viewed production use of it. mother superior cannot be carefully fully as friend to them because he ultimately wants money for the drugs he provides. However, when Renton overdoses, mother superior calls for a taxi and provides money for it. This can be interpreted as a amiable gesture but also as helping Renton to avoid getting in trouble. mother superior knows the distinct characters of the group. This can indicate that they have all be using drugs for quite a while, thus frequenting mother superior's place often. during the film, the characters are seen shoplifting to support their drug habit. The need to steal might have been initiated by mother superior demanding hard cash.

The bond Renton has with his friends is just the base goal of shooting the next hit. When he is not on drugs he has to face reality, which is, maintaining relationships, meeting girls and daily responsibilities. The film portrays what seems to be united group. However, there is a fear of Begbie because of his violence and alcoholic tendencies as well as him being the older of the lot. Sickboy, Renton, Spud and later on in the film Tommy all have a heroin addiction, thus their adored recipe to solve problems is taking a hit. Begbie solves his by drinking and fighting. The group share stolen money and tend to shoplift in groups. When they go to the clubs, they party together. Still, in the end Renton calls the rest of the group "so-called friends".

The association in the middle of Renton and Spud can be thought of the best within the characters. As mentioned before, Renton cannot help liking Spud. Renton is seen giving his friend hints before Spud's job interview. Even though it is carefully wrong, Renton offers Spud some speed to put him at easy. When both of them are caught shoplifting, Renton wishes he went to prison instead of Spud. In the same scene, he admits feeling lonely, although being surrounded with family and friends. At the end of the film, Renton felt sorry for Spud because he never harmed anything or said a bad word about his friends. Thus, he left money only to Spud. This association is supplementary supported by the fact that Renton asks Spud if they would take the money and go. Renton could have more Really grabbed the bag and left before Spud would have reacted in any way.

Renton has a good association with Tommy as well, reasoning of him as one of his best friends. Tommy also considers Renton a friend by confiding with him the problems he had with Lizzie. Renton felt sorry for Tommy when he found his Hiv inescapable friend living in a horrible, filthy apartment. He tried to make amends by giving money to Tommy to pay the rent. This association is somewhat ironic because Tommy's downfall is caused by Renton when he stole Tommy and Lizzy's video. From the beginning, Renton and Sickboy's association does not seem strong. Renton is slightly jealous of Sickboy. This impression is born by the fact that Sickboy can Really overcome heroin just because Renton is trying to quit. Sickboy does not seem to have any problems dating girls in the disco scene whereas Renton did not like the females colse to him, except for Diane. Towards the end of the film, Renton states that Sickboy would betray him off as well if he thought about it first. Sickboy himself admits the fact.

Spud and Tommy are seen alone talking about sex a extremely secret issue since they both have a girlfriend. Their girlfriends also seem to be in reliance with each other. They are comfortable sharing problems: Spud - no sex in a six-week relationship; Tommy - forgetting Lizzy's birthday. He had a mark for Iggy Pop for the same night. When Tommy dies, Spud sings him a song. This minuscule act shows how much Spud cared for Tommy. Begbie's association with Renton is slightly contradictory. Begbie trusts Renton sufficient to confide with him when he went out with a transsexual without knowing at first. However, Begbie threatens Renton on some occasions, his aggressive nature taking over all emotions. Renton pleases Begbie in general because he fears him. Renton tries not to oppose Begbie because he is "a psycho" At the end of the film Renton states that he did not care that he betrayed Begbie.

The association portrayed in the middle of mother superior and Renton cannot be termed as a friendship because ultimately mother Superior's company consists of selling drugs to Renton and the rest of the group. Still their association runs deeper than the normal dealer-user relationship. mother superior could have Really dumped Renton somewhere instead of calling a taxi to take him to hospital. However, some may doubt the gesture as generated due to friendship. The audience could believe that paying for the taxi is a minuscule price to pay when compared to all the issue mother superior could get if found with a dead body.

Trainspotting could be described as conveying an anti-drugs message, which is portrayed through "character studies rather than a patronizing preach" This film presents its audience with more than one view of drug Throughout the film, the youth characters are frequently seen cooking heroin and injecting the latter into their bodies (, however it also portrays the pain, agony, melancholy and unhappiness that are derived from this drug addiction . One could say that this film is a warning about the fears and perils of drug addiction, in general heroin addiction .

Trainspotting's anti-drug message in general lies within the film's quality to clarify and tackle the guess as to why young habitancy are attracted to drugs. Furthermore the film's power and success into presenting the audience with the negative results, damage and consequences that collect from this type of addiction convey this anti-drugs message more clearly. The film portrays these negative results and damages constantly throughout the film. The film and its characters enter a world of neglect, dieing babies, Aids, anxiety, depression, boredom and hopelessness. Moreover the other anti-drugs message that derives from this film "goes beyond causes and consequences in explaining that serious drug abuse is itself beyond cause and consequences: Renton asks, "Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?" .

Trainspotting deals with the mid 80's heroin subculture of Edinburgh, "when Pakistani smack had glutted the Uk market, becoming, for thousands of commonplace habitancy mired in unemployment, a economy means to oblivion than alcohol". It prognosis the likelihood of youth subcultures to surpass "their communal class contect and form(ing) a class of their own" In this film even "nonravers" are portrayed as drug users, both in a literal sense ("state-sanctioned chemicals like alcohol or tranquilizers") and in a metaphorical sense ("Tv, videos, computer games, the adrenaline rush of football violence") .

Hebdige (1979:100) maintains that "style is an intentional communication." Barthes (N.D.) as cited in Hebdige (1979:100), differentiates in the middle of "subcultural" and "normal styles." The subcultural style collects those insistent mixtures of clothing, music, jargon and so on, and nearly exhibits a corresponding association to "the more accepted formulae (normal suits, ties, twin sets, etc.)". The clothes that individuals wear are excellent within the constraint of preference, taste, cost etc. Such choices embrace a wide range of messages, which are communicated through the delicately discrete distinctions of a estimate of "interlocking sets" such as status, self-image and class. Subcultural styles distinguish themselves from normal styles as "they are fabricated and they display their own codes," and this is constantly portrayed throughout the film (Hebdige, 1979:100-101). through the clothes worn by the characters in the films, they are portraying the message that they do not belong to the "normal culture" but they belong to a class or subculture of their own; "I speak through my clothes" (Eco, 1973 as cited in Hebdige, 1979:100).

Trainspotting can be described as dark humor, but junkies' world over priced the film heartily. It's a film that is in general about habitancy that do not want to belong. Trainspotting is not the first film about heroin, but the first one that is a 'slap in our faces are both the grim realities of life at the tip of a needle and a freewheeling, pop-music-fueled glorification of the addicts' smack-happy existence' .

The Trainspotting soundtrack was wildly prosperous in the international charts after the issue of the film itself, in the 1990's. The music score is in general composed of popular music. Sometimes the film takes the semblance of a music video, with conversation kept at a bare minimum. The scene and the soundtrack are faultless and sufficient for the viewer to understand. This is used some times and for distinct purposes .

In the first ten minutes of the film, we are transfixed; watching as the anti hero Renton and Spud race through the streets and a voice over begins:"Choose life. pick a job. pick a career. pick a family. pick a fucking big television; pick washing machines, cars, contract disc players and electrical tin openers. pick good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. . . ."

This litany goes on and then we get a view of Renton lying in heroin stupor and the voice over ends with:

"But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to pick life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"

Accompanying this marvelous scene is Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life'. 'Lust for Life', in which the lyrics, are markedly subordinated to Renton's voice-over after the thumping opportunity few bars, so much so that the only lyrical fragments that can be heard are the opportunity line 'Here comes Johnny Yen again...' and the choral refrain ('I gotta lust for life'). Incidentally, Iggy Pop is paramount for his past heroin abuse and is mentioned quite a lot in the film. The two at last come to signify each other - Mark Renton is the central character of the film, and Iggy Pop is the most important artist on the soundtrack album. Iggy Pop's music also lends a sense of rebellion to the film. We can consideration Iggy Pop's poster in one of the scenes too

Renton's knowledge of new music is minuscule and this is seen when they go clubbing. Renton is ill at ease; he hasn't been out for a long time and is not in touch with the current music scene. This is where we have the inclusion of the songs Born Slippy and 'For what you dream of'. All this shows how Renton has been so wrapped up into his heroin habit that he is totally put of touch. The only song Renton recognizes is a song originally by Blondie called "Atomic' (an 80's song). The shift in emphasis is evident in Trainspotting itself as, although the musical character of the score gently shifts from the proto-punk of Iggy Pop through to the more recent waves of dance music

Some of the music was recorded purposely for the film. For example Pulp's "Mile End", which accompanies Mark Renton's moving into a London flat. The lyrics of the song impart the state of the flat he moves into:

"It smelt as if person had died
The living room was full of flies.
The kitchen sink was blocked
The bathroom sink not there at all..."

Another song created by the group Leftfield for the film is ironically called 'The final Hit'. Throughout the film Renton takes many of his so called final hits. It is in general an instrumental track, with harmonic chords which variation with a dark, almost overpowering rhythm track. The variation in the middle of harmony and rhythm may recount Mark Renton's mixed feelings at this point in the film - he desperately wants to give up heroin, but the feeling it gives him is too pleasurable.

As a whole the music used in the film is full of irony. For example when Renton is hallucinating that he is disappearing down the 'dirtiest toilet in Scotland', we hear a mellow piece of ambient music by Brian Eno, aptly called Deep Blue Day. The film takes a surreal twist here and we enter a world of soft sounds and images as Renton swims in a blue ocean. This all contrasts harshly with the reality of Renton digging into a filthy toilet to find his heroin suppositories, while he vomits uncontrollably

All of the songs in the soundtrack of Trainspotting have become necessary to habitancy who saw it and associate the songs to the film; to heroin. At this time, the term heroin chic was having great impact in the world. Heroin chic was a trend in the 90's that characterized the "thin, sickly look of junkies. Blank expression, waxy complexion, dark circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks, inordinate thinness, greasy hair" were seen on runway models showing the 'heroin chic' look and promoted in popular magazine and fashion circles as 'chic'. This fragile, thin, and drug-addicted look was well-liked in the fashion world. In fact, in 1997 it was the basis of the advertising campaign of Calvin Klein. The heroin chic fashion in case,granted debate and anti-drug groups protested. "Fashion designers, models such as Kate Moss and James King, and movies such as Trainspotting were blamed for glamorizing the heroin chic look and lifestyle"

Former Us President Bill Clinton condemned the heroin chic look and the 'heroin chic' fashion photography for sending a message that using the drug is 'glamorous' and 'sexy'. He said, "You do not need to glamorize addiction to sell clothes." As he saw it, the glorification of heroin "is not creative. It is destructive. It is not beautiful. It is ugly. And this is not about art. It is about life and death. And glorifying death is not good for any society" Not surprisingly much of the mainstream press and the dailies were horrified by the apparent glorification of heroin use in the film Trainspotting. Junkies were presented as righteous heroes selecting leisure over the tyranny of buyer society. Suddenly all values were inverted as viewers and readers were invited to identify and empathise with low-lifes who would think nothing of spending all day watching telly and shooting heroin. Trainspotting helped a new morbid fascination with the drug heroin by portraying marvelous role models in the movie. For years heroin has been very popular in the lives of young celebrities for example River Phoenix (who died of an overdose in 1992).

Trainspotting was a great hit and could be seen of more than advertisement than a film. Even years after the film was released, the film about heroin addiction is was of the best marketed films that portrays cultural images of the heroin subcultures. Trainspotting has received a cult following. The film addresses both the problems of heroin addiction from a user point of view to an anti-drug point of view. Trainspotting manages to shock us, terrify and disgust us one moment and make us laugh the next. Trainspotting does not Really have a plot but naturally succeed the daily lives of this group of junkies

Drugs are the main focus of this film. In the 1990's a new wave of music and drugs started to emerge. Heroin was seen as old-fashioned (Iggy Pop). With the film Trainspotting heroin was given the spotlight. Characters like Sick Boy and Renton became idols for rebellious teenagers who wanted to experiment in drugs, felt disillusioned, unattached from society. Trainspotting became the bible to this new generation of heroin junkies. They had a soundtrack and idols to emulate. On the other hand one could have viewed the film as it is; an ironic and cynical peep hole into the lives of a group of heroin addicts. The tragedy of the film is apparent to the viewer, but than it is up to the individual to clarify it.

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Abortion Methods - Learn 7 dissimilar Types Of Abortion

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Abortion Methods - Learn 7 dissimilar Types Of Abortion

Good evening. Now, I learned all about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - Abortion Methods - Learn 7 dissimilar Types Of Abortion. Which could be very helpful for me and you. Abortion Methods - Learn 7 dissimilar Types Of Abortion

Spontaneous, Herbal and Induced are the three general methods of abortion. Although it is not that popular or considerable in this contemporary era but there is a formula known as self-inflicted abortion also. Most of the habitancy do not think self-inflicted abortion to be among the major methods.

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Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby

In self-inflicted abortion a a sharp object such as a coat hanger is inserted into the cervix of the expecting mother. This formula is known to be extremely dangerous or deadly and is not at all reliable.

One of the oldest formula of abortion is herbal abortion which is also not considered very safe. The consequent of Herbal abortion is sometimes only a sick pregnant woman. It is not much different from the worse self-inflicted abortion. Over hundreds of years, some herbs are used to carry on herbal abortion. These herbs use to be silphium, birthwort, black cohosh, pennyroyal, tansy etc. Of which some are now extinct. It also include contemporary day herbs that some habitancy use daily such as juniper, lavender, parsley, thyme, marjoram and dill. Such herbs are termed as abortifacient or simply the herbs that can cause abortion.

However, surgical methods are the most generally used abortion methods these days. Physician may launch one of the three surgical procedures to launch abortion at an early term. The three surgical procedures followed for abortion are:

1) manual Vacuum Aspiration or Mva- In Mva formula a syringe is used to suction out tissue which causes abortion

2) galvanic Vacuum Aspiration or Eva- In an Eva formula an galvanic pump is used to suction the tissue out.

3) Dilation and Curettage or D&C- Once the cervix of the pregnant woman has been opened, sharp curette is used to clean the uterus walls.

4) Dilation and Evacuation or D&E- In this formula the uterus is cleaned by the use of instruments and suction once the cervix of the pregnant woman has been opened.

5) Hysterectomy Abortion- Hysterectomy Abortion is associated to the cesarean section to quit a pregnancy.

6) Controversial Intact Dilation and removal or Idx- Idx is also known as Partial Birth Abortion. In this formula the cervix is diated by use of forceps to grasp and turn fetus in breech position. Then the fetus is withdrawn and only head of the fetus is left inside cervix. Then the head is collapsed by suction of brain matter from the skull. This is done straight through the small incision which is made at the base of the skull. Idx or Partial Birth Abortion is a banned abortion formula under Partial Birth Abortion Ban law. This law was passed by Congress and came into consequent when President George W Bush signed it in 2003. But this law does not contribute any data in cases where abortion is considerable for woman's condition and is therefore examined by Us supreme Court for its legal validity.

7) Chemical Methods- mixture of drugs can effectively quit or end pregnancy. Drugs such as mifepristone or methotrexate are used for abortion which is followed by prostaglandin. Prostaglandin comes in two types and its usage depends on the place where abortion is done. Gemeprost is used in Sweden, Uk whereas in Us misoprostol is used generally for abortion.

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tongs Delivery Birth Injuries

Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - tongs Delivery Birth Injuries

Hi friends. Today, I discovered Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby - tongs Delivery Birth Injuries. Which could be very helpful to me and also you. tongs Delivery Birth Injuries

Complications while child birth, such as a large baby, a breech position, or prolonged labor, sometimes want the use of tongs to safely deliver the baby. However, if allowable medical procedures are not followed while using forceps, birth injuries such as nerve or brain damage can result. tongs use in childbirth is allowable when the baby appears to be in fetal distress, when the mom is having issue pushing, or when the positioning of the baby in the birth canal is incorrect. The buildings of the tongs allow them to clamp on the sides of the baby's head, giving the physician a steady grip but also putting the baby at risk for damage if the course is performed improperly.

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Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby

If done correctly, a tongs delivery can save the baby's life or forestall it becoming severely hypoxic, or oxygen deprived. If an baby goes without oxygen for too long, severe and permanent brain damage can occur. Likewise, use of tongs might be the only way to deliver the child or safe its head because of improper positioning. Because of the vulnerability of a baby's skull, it is highly foremost to care for the head. If a physician does not take primary steps to security the skull, brain damage can result.

Conversely, tongs delivery can also hurt the baby, sometimes permanently. Some degree of force is always employed in tongs delivery so risk is inherent in the procedure. Specific dangers include facial nerve damage, skull fractures, and cerebral palsy. Babies are not the only parties at risk for complications while tongs births. Mothers face increased risks for lacerations, urinary tract infections, and rectum injuries.

The most severe risks of tongs deliveries to babies include facial nerve damage and cerebral palsy. With facial nerve damage, permanent facial asymmetry may occur, especially evident when the child laughs or cries. Cerebral Palsy develops when damage to the cerebrum of the brain occurs, resulting in motor control difficulties. Although it is a non-progressive disorder, meaning the brain damage does worsen with age, there is no known cure. Cerebral Palsy is determined the second most expensive developmental disability to conduct over the course of a lifetime, with the mean lifetime cost nearing about 1,000. Its exact cause is not known but it is practically always related with birth trauma, together with improper tongs delivery, as well as hypoxia, premature birth, multiple births, and certain infections in the mom both before and after birth.

If you are curious in studying more about tongs deliveries, this site about traumatic birth injuries can help.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby. Where you'll be able to put to utilization in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Overbearing Mother In Law New Baby.

Fidelity In Marriage

Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - Fidelity In Marriage

Hello everybody. Now, I discovered Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding - Fidelity In Marriage. Which may be very helpful in my experience and you. Fidelity In Marriage

The prevalent hedonistic culture in the world today, convinces population that the race of personal satisfaction outstrips all other considerations. Fidelity in marriage has become a casualty. Marriage which was determined the construction block of society and bound two population together in a physical, mental and emotional oneness, is now merely a minority concept.

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Overbearing Mother In Law Wedding

A good marriage doesn't happen automatically. It involves commitment, acceptance, and mutual respect bonded together with love. Spouses set themselves apart from all others, and give themselves exclusively to each other. A good marriage is based on the "reciprocity principle." Partners, who have pledged to love each other 'till death do us part,' must work at it actively and continuously. There is no casual leave or vacation written into the contract.

What do we mean by Fidelity? It is the capability of reliability and trustworthiness to one's partner.
"To be true is not a favour you grant on your spouse. It is a privilege to bless yourself with, says Michael Cohon.

The world is in the grip of a sexual revolution. Sex, sexual exploits, sexual prowess are recurring themes that bombard us straight through both the print and electronic media. Personal satisfaction and self fulfillment are characteristics of the New Morality. Infidelity is glamorized.
"Do what you want to," is the catchword of Individualism.
A modern study done in the Us, shows that 30% of women and 40% of men have been unfaithful to their spouses at some point in their marriage.

The weakening of religious and group restraints, the easy availability of sex, permissive legislation have all contributed to the rise in infidelity.

Temptation is a gradual process, which first begins in the mind. Suggestive articles, movies, books or magazines inaugurate lustful thoughts. Thoughts turn to desire and desire to action. Even a one-night stand doesn't happen suddenly. It is preceded by unworthy thoughts.
"An affair may be an indication of marriage malfunctioning," says Linda Wolfe.

There are three main reasons for malfunction. The first is Emotional Immaturity. In a garage marriage, spouses honour and validate who the other man is. When one partner is selfish and self centred, and unwilling to make a total commitment, the marriage becomes unstable. man who has lived a very pampered life, doted on by parents, and used to having his own way, never in fact grows up. He is incapable of giving or receiving love or trusting others. Such a man may flit from one affair to another. The "Paris Hiltons" of this world are examples of such emotional immaturity.

James Goldsmith (Jemima's father) was also one such, who had countless affairs. Even after marriage to Lady Annabel his third wife, he did indulge in an extramarital affair.
"When you marry your mistress you automatically originate a job vacancy," he said.

Many young population enter marriage with all kinds of expectations. They believe that marriage will meet all their needs, and is one long state of love and romance. They anticipate no quarrels or disagreements; that sexual satisfaction is an indication of the stability of marriage; or that children will originate an inseparable bond between parents. But when they realise that the practical realities of every-day living are quite daunting, they look elsewhere for the fulfillment of their needs.

Unmet needs bring about disappointment and disillusionment. When couples don't enjoy each other's company, don't like doing things together, or going out by themselves, boredom sets in and life gets stuck in a rut of ordinariness. Lack of communication or mental stimulation leads to emotional dissatisfaction. A woman feels let down when she receives no emotional preserve from her husband. He never compliments her on her looks or attire, and does not thank her for the food she has prepared. This may spill over into the bed room. Sex is not merely physical. There is psychological and emotional involvement too. When her needs are not met, sex becomes an unpleasant chore.
Husbands too can be put off by nagging wives, or 'clinging vine' types who lack initiative.

The basic needs of every human being are Affection and Appreciation. It can be conveyed straight through a glance, a word, a smile or a kiss
Acceptance of the spouse as a man is important. Many problems arise when one partner tries to convert the other, and squeeze him /her into a mould of one's choice. Even in marriage it is prominent to assert one's own identity and values.
"When a man and a woman are able to respect and accept their differences, then love has a opening to blossom," says John Gray.
Husbands and wives should also be each other's best critics. Tactful and loving criticisms done in a non-judgemental way are sure to advance relationships.
Admiration is a big ego booster. Appreciating the virtues, achievement and capabilities of the partner in his role as husband or father, his patience, his courage and dependability, makes a man want to do better.
"I can live for two months on a good compliment," said Mark Twain.
Similarly a woman's self confidence depends to a determined extent on her husband's assessment of her. She needs to be nourished and cherished with praise and appreciation.

Sexual appetite they say is second only to hunger. J. Robert Whitehurst wrote in the Journal of Sexual Behaviour that "All men from the first day of marriage think about the possibility (of extramarital encounters)...........Although these tendencies diminish in later middle life and beyond, they never entirely disappear or vanish in general men."
Sexual disappointment is a indication of illness of marital discord. One partner may be frigid, or the other may suffer from erectile dysfunction. Sex may become so routine when partners refuse to retort each others needs. As Esther Pirot says, "Bedroom familiarity breeds contempt."

While a woman is stimulated in an emotional environment, a man's interest is more about sexual excitation. Romance just fades away, and the whole exercise becomes mechanical and devoid of feeling. Dr. Albert Ellis describes this as "Healthy Adultery."
A prominent disunion lawyer says that in 90% of cases, disunion begins in the bedroom.
When one partner turns down a mate for sex, it is a painful experience. The partner feels rejected. Men especially begin to look elsewhere to satisfy their unfulfilled desires. disappointment is a first to infidelity. The "trapped syndrome" makes them want to flee the boring marital bed.
Even the Bible counsels, "The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband; the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, except for prayer. Then come together again so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self control."(1Cor 7:4.5.)

Long length marriages also lead to infidelity. Prolonged absence does not make the heart grow fonder. It may drive them apart.

The term "Managed Monogamy" is a new word added to the by hand of Infidelity.
Here spouses have extramarital affairs while being in a marriage, by mutual consent. There's nothing clandestine about it. They even discuss their affairs and have a laugh.
Unresolved Conflicts can also lead to infidelity.
Careers and jobs today are so demanding that couples don't find time to speak to each other. Instead they form relationships at work. A wife who is housebound feels neglected when her husband is preoccupied with his career. Her loneliness and disappointment may goad her into an affair.

A husband unemployed for long period can be nagged at or belittled by his wife. This may drive him into the arms of someone else sympathetic woman.
Financial Problems either due too poor salaries or extravagant life styles, or large families lead to constant bickering and disappointment in the home. It could trigger infidelity.

In-laws can sometimes drive a man to desperation especially when there is no preserve from the partner. The aggrieved spouse might look for preserve elsewhere.
Domestic Violence, repressive husbands, nagging wives or wives obsessed with order and cleanliness are also causes for infidelity.

Economic relaxation of women has given them power and opportunities to have fun elsewhere.
A newspaper item said that women are more inclined to cheat in love than men. The ratio stands at 40% as against 34% males.
Unfulfilled goals in life often originate disappointment and irresponsibility, which can also lead to infidelity.

There are three types of infidelity.

- The one night stand or the one-time affair, like Boris Becker's quickie in the broom cupboard in a London restaurant. It cost him his marriage and a chunk of his fortune.

- It may be a short term relationship. But too many of these short affairs could destroy one's marriage and lead to depression, say psychologists.

- Others have parallel marriages with two wives and two families. Many of the Bollywood (Mumbai) actors are into such relationships.

The coarse reaction of aggrieved spouses when confronted by the infidelity of their partners is practically similar to what one experiences when a partner dies. Surprise, denial, anger, disappointment and eventually acceptance follow.
Denial is a defensive mechanism by the aggrieved spouse even when the signs are glaringly evident. Husbands sometimes purposely leave clues like hotel receipts or lipstick on the collar because it brings them relief from guilt. But many wives pretend that all is well and refuse to confront them. This "ostrich syndrome" is a way of coping. But it eventually leads to depression, insomnia and sometimes suicidal tendencies. A wife, who has no other economic means of preserve covers up a partner's guilt, thereby condoning his infidelity.

Anger is a coarse reaction. Angry words, refusal to do general domestic chores, retirement of hymeneal rights, or running off to Mother, are some of the ways women show their anger. Sometimes fights ensue. The husband is angry with his wife for driving him to infidelity. The wife who is betrayed is angry at being let down. There is a breach of trust which psychiatrists call 'psychic injury.'
At times a woman may retaliate by saying "If he can do it, I can do it too." Imitating the wrong doer is like being controlled by the errant spouse and is counter productive.
Anger can sometimes be directed at one's self for not being able to make a success of marriage, or at the spouse for not meeting her needs, or at God for allowing such a situation.
Revenge is a fatal reaction. Inflicting bodily injury or throwing acid on a lover's face is becoming quite coarse these days.
When Peter the Great discovered the affair his wife was having with William Mons,
(Gentleman of the Bed Chamber) he had the man decapitated. The head was preserved in a bottle full of alcohol and kept in the Queen's bedroom.

Many women with poor self image blame themselves for their husbands' infidelity. They feel they have not lived up to their husbands' expectations and have driven them into the arms of other women.

Some like to force a clarification immediately, without waiting for any explanation from the errant spouse. The decision to split is taken immediately, leaving no room for reconciliation.

Marriage is a connection that has to be built over the years, with love and deep commitment to each other. Infidelity is a breach of trust that leaves the offended spouse deeply hurt and betrayed. An affair is a accident that must be tackled calmly. Facts must be sorted out from rumours or suppositions. It is inherent for wrong conclusions to be drawn from innocent gestures.

Partners who narrate well with each other and periodically conduct a marital audit will be able to sort out major or minor conflicts. No one is infallible. Mistakes are inherent but confession must come quickly, and remorse should be rewarded with forgiveness. The incident thereafter should be laid to rest and not recycled with every argument. Spouses must love "in spite of" the other's faults.

"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers," says Robert Quillan.

Ogden Nash sums up the inexpressive of a happy marriage in verse.

"If you want your marriage to sizzle,

With love in the loving cup,

Whenever you're wrong admit it,

Whenever you're right shut up."

Spouses who love each other deeply and have pledged to be true till the end, will not compromise even on small temptations. They will be able to resist them. Mutual respect, concern for the other's needs, and the capability to continually fall in love with each other, will keep the marriage bed inviolate. Of procedure it goes without saying that Divine help is imperative.
"Couples who stay married produce the capability to not lose sight of the love in their connection and to express it," says Robert Levenson.

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Christmas evening meal Traditions and dessert Ideas

Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Christmas evening meal Traditions and dessert Ideas

Hi friends. Now, I learned about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren - Christmas evening meal Traditions and dessert Ideas. Which may be very helpful for me and you. Christmas evening meal Traditions and dessert Ideas

Christmas is my family's favorite time of year. We have many Christmas traditions that we've industrialized over the years.  One is that each year one of us daughters (mother and sister-in-laws) is responsible for a part of the dinner.  My favorite part to make is the Christmas desserts.

What I said. It is not the final outcome that the real about Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren. You read this article for info on anyone need to know is Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren.

Overbearing Mother In Law Grandchildren

Our house is large, there are five sisters, four brothers and both parents still living. We also have a lot of wives, husbands, nieces and nephews mixed in. When we get together there are twenty seven people.  Each year one of us cooks for a different segment. We put the supper segments in a hat. After dinner, after all the dishes are done and we're relaxing we pick what our dishes will be for the next year. The menu is broken up into appetizers, before and after supper drinks (for the adults), meat, stuffing/potatoes (starch), vegetables, rolls, desserts. Two population are responsible for meat, two for stuffing/potatoes and two for vegetables. One for appetizers, one for before and after supper drinks and one for desserts. And, now that there are ten of us every year one lucky girl gets a get out of jail free card, which means she doesn't have to cook the next year!

As I said earlier Christmas dessert is my favorite. I start cooking about a week in advance. I know everybody's favorites, and like to add a few new things.  I like to make lots of different types of desserts for the family. One of my favorites is Black bottom Cup Cakes. Another is Greek Almond Cookies. These are super simple. Another favorite is right on a Red Velvet Cake with Butter Cream Icing. It's my Grandmother's recipe and the house loves it. The Red Velvet Cake is the one thing we're guaranteed to have every year, regardless of who is assigned dessert duty.

I also make a Cinnamon Crumb Cake, a Chocolate Truffle with Raspberry Sauce and a Louisiana Roasted Pecan Pie.  All of these things make quite an impressive looking Christmas dessert buffet and everybody is able to find something that they genuinely like.

Over the years we girls have shared recipes in the middle of us.  We all love cooking, us sisters were all raised to enjoy being in the kitchen.  When a new item is introduced to the table there is also a menu card for each sister for that new item.  When I added Greek Almond Cookies to the dessert table last year everybody was amazed how easy the recipe is. I got it from an actual Greek friend, Valerie.  The Cinnamon Crumb Cake is also easy to make and goes genuinely well with a cup of coffee after dinner.

One year when my sister-in-law picked the Christmas dessert part of our meal I gave her a lot of advice on recipes as she genuinely isn't comfortable baking. I went to her home two days before Christmas and helped her make the primary Red Velvet Cake. She did it genuinely well and is now a pro!

Perhaps if you have a large house you can do something like our house does. We all enjoy our Christmas cooking tradition.

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